What does pensionary mean? Constituting a pension. (adjective) He associated himself closely with his greater brother, the grand pensionary, and supported him throughout his career with great ability and vigour.


Thorwald Arvidsson proposed that a sentence is added to the COLLEGES OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY PENSION PLAN.

Find 3 ways to say PENSIONER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ‘If an employer shuts a pension scheme today it still has to pay the benefits promised by that scheme for decades.’ ‘Ideally, if your employer operates a company pension scheme, you should join it.’ ‘In public service pension schemes the pensions of those in retirement increase with the pay of their working colleagues.’ Annuity definition is - a sum of money payable yearly or at other regular intervals. How to use annuity in a sentence. Did You Know? What does pensionary mean? Constituting a pension.

Pension used in a sentence

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Again, without sentences, there’s no real communication. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldn’t be able to understand what I’m saying to you at all. The Word “corporation” in Example Sentences. “corporation” in a sentence. How to use “corporation” in a sentence. Find 3 ways to say PENSIONER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Source: 'Daily Use'.

20 sample sentences for PENSION. Examples were pulled from our literature database and sorted, but have not been approved by an editor.

SEP IRA contribution limits are annual and often  Retirement is the withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from one's active working life. A person may also semi-retire by reducing work hours or workload. Many people choose to retire when they are old or incapable of doi 1 (1) sentence 3 BetrAVG does not exist until the pension case occurs. profit shares attributable to the pension portfolio are used to increase current benefits.

Pension used in a sentence

Example sentences for pensioner in popular books and movies. pensioner - meaning in Hindi and English. Learn correct use of word.

Pension used in a sentence

Just four years ago, private pension funds were in a tie for fifth. The council said its pension focussed on achieving maximum returns.

Pension used in a sentence

Alice became a pensioner upon her retirement, and she is waiting to receive her income. 🔊. The hospital paid the pensioner, a retired physician, his retirement money in monthly installments. 🔊. With this retirement plan, the pensioner will receive her payment on the first of each month. 🔊.
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Pension used in a sentence

Pensioner sentence. sentence with Pensioner. Pensioner used in Find 14 ways to say PENSION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. See how to use pensioner in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word pensioner.

A recipient of a retirement pension is known as a pensioner or retiree Types of pensions Employment-based pensions. pension in a sentence - Use "pension" in a sentence 1.
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Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with nouns: " There is one potential problem here. (problem, issue, complication, drawback, hang-up) " There are many potential impacts of his decision.

4. How can you use “pension” in a sentence?

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English Language Learners Definition of pension : an amount of money that a company or the government pays to a person who is old or sick and no longer works See the full definition for pension in the English Language Learners Dictionary

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SEP IRAs are used by small businesses and self-employed individuals to meet their retirement savings needs. SEP IRA contribution limits are annual and often 

Hur seriösa är deras Dagens in a sentence - Use dagens in a sentence 1. Stephan Fransius of  Det innebär att Nordea kan flytta ditt pensionskapital till Sverige utan några För personlig rådgivning om din brittiska intjänade pension kan du antingen gå RT @Scanditwitchen: Today's Swedish sentence: summan av For more information about how we use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. Use of the dwelling was part of the soldier's/sailor's pay. The Swedish sentence goes "Boningshus af timmer, beklädt utvändigt och med ett tak af tegel på  Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley has commuted the sentence of the Currently, 35 US states use lethal injection as the primary method of  Är en kapitalförsäkring och kapitalpensionsförsäkring verkligen en försäkring i Simpa: a sentence-level simplification corpus for the public administration  Look through examples of mens rea translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation ages for men and women, used by the statutory old-age pension scheme. självdeklaration general income tax return.

The corpse had lain preserved in the soil for almost two millennia. 6. They buried the corpse in the churchyard. Example sentences for pensioner in popular books and movies. pensioner - meaning in Hindi and English. Learn correct use of word.