“Thelema is a philosophical, mystical, and cultural system based upon a seemingly simple premise: that every person is a divine projection of the Universal All and, as such, has within him or her a True Will that is the expression of one’s deepest, most genuine self which acts in perfect accord with Nature.


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However, you may as well call Thelema Christianity, since Satanism is a Christian concept that has been butchered for over 2000 years. You have to look at belief systems through the eyes of social anthropology/mythology/religion/philosophy/whatever before you can see that each religious movement is a link in a long chain going back to the first time humans worshiped something. According to Keneth Grant, Thelema is intrinsically derived from ancient cults of deities which later became the christian devil. So, it's a matter of your point of view of things. You may see it this way if you choose to. If Crowley was a Satanist, or if # Thelema was Satanism, one would think that he would have spent a lot more # ink on the subject than he did. it may be more appropriate, in reflection of your valuable comments above, to say that (from the perspective of a Satanist) (the culture or system of) 'Thelema is Satanic' or (the culture or system of) 'Satanism is Thelemic', rather than trying to awkwardly equate the two.

Thelema and satanism

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“Thelema is a philosophical, mystical, and cultural system based upon a seemingly simple premise: that every person is a divine projection of the Universal All and, as such, has within him or her a True Will that is the expression of one’s deepest, most genuine self which acts in perfect accord with Nature.

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Thelema and satanism


Thelema and satanism

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Thelema and satanism

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Thelema and satanism

The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." The law of Thelema was developed in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley, an English writer and ceremonial magician. If you don't edit out the Satanism, though, there it is. Together with many other things, to be sure! Thelema is not merely Satanism any more than it is merely Egyptology or merely Freemasonry, but all of those things (and others) are among its primary sources.

Si Vales, Valeo. I realize that it is very butch to say you are a Satanist these days.
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Rabelais' Abbey of Thelema has been referred to by later writers Sir Walter Besant and James Rice, in their novel The Monks of Thelema (1878), and C.R. Ashbee in his utopian romance The Building of Thelema (1910). François Rabelais. François Rabelais. François Rabelais was a Franciscan and later a Benedictine monk of the 16th century.

View. O Sagrado Anjo Guardião. Thelema / Asceticism / Angel / Thought / Religion And Belief.

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Thelema poses to have 'destroyed' "slave" religions (which is a very "Us and Them" concept btw), yet it set itself very strict confines of belief and dogma, making the Thelemite either a slave to Crowley's system/religion or a slave to their own circular logic - which plays out in their view of the world informed or complimented by Thelema.

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66.1k members in the satanism community. A place for discussing Satanism on Reddit.

No, Taoism is much more sober. "Do what thou wilt" can easily be abused by the self-important and by bullies (and it has been). I've never seen a Taoist bully; Taoism teaches humility. This is anathema to Crowley and Satanism. The concept of will (thelema) is not the same between these systems either. : 3.) Rabelais' Abbey of Thelema has been referred to by later writers Sir Walter Besant and James Rice, in their novel The Monks of Thelema (1878), and C.R. Ashbee in his utopian romance The Building of Thelema (1910).

Si Vales, Valeo. I realize that it is very butch to say you are a Satanist these days. However, you may as well call Thelema Christianity, since Satanism is a Christian concept that has been butchered for over 2000 years. You have to look at belief systems through the eyes of social anthropology/mythology/religion/philosophy/whatever before you can see that each religious movement is a link in a long chain going back to the first time humans worshiped something. According to Keneth Grant, Thelema is intrinsically derived from ancient cults of deities which later became the christian devil. So, it's a matter of your point of view of things. You may see it this way if you choose to.